Reviews, Ratings, and User Content Terms

These Reviews, Ratings, and User Content Terms (“Terms”) are supplementary to and incorporated into the General Terms of Service (“General Terms”) and Privacy Policy of Androidacy, LLC (“Androidacy”). By submitting, posting, or displaying any reviews, ratings, or other user-generated content (“UGC”) on or through the Androidacy platform (the “Platform”), you agree to be bound by these Terms in addition to the General Terms. For the purposes of these Terms, “you” represents the user or entity the user is acting on behalf of, and “we” or “us” represents Androidacy, LLC. Any capitalized terms used but not defined in these Terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the General Terms.

1. User Responsibilities

1.1 Authenticity and Personal Experience

You represent and warrant that all UGC reflects your honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences based solely on your personal experience with the app, service, or content being reviewed. Submitting reviews or ratings on behalf of any third party, regardless of compensation, benefits, or lack thereof, is strictly prohibited. You shall not provide false or misleading information in your UGC or create fake accounts to submit UGC. Claims of being “official” or representing any entity other than yourself as an individual are not permitted (such as claiming to represent Us, a brand, or another person).

1.2 Respectful and Appropriate Content

You agree to ensure that your UGC is respectful, appropriate, and civil. You shall not post, upload, or otherwise make available any UGC that is harassing, threatening, abusive, offensive, vulgar, obscene, hateful, or otherwise inappropriate, as determined by us in our sole discretion. This includes UGC that promotes racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual. You shall not disparage, defame, or otherwise harm the reputation of any app developer, Androidacy, its affiliates, partners, employees, or any other party in your UGC.

1.3 Originality and Intellectual Property

By submitting UGC, you represent and warrant that you are the original author of the content and possess all necessary rights, licenses, consents, and permissions to submit it. You shall not include any content that infringes upon or violates the intellectual property rights or proprietary rights of any third party, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, or publicity rights. We may, but are not obligated to, delete or remove any UGC that we believe, in our sole discretion, violates any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights.

2. Platform Usage

2.1 User Privacy and Prohibited Uses

You agree not to collect, use, or disclose any personal information about other users obtained through the Platform without their express consent. The Platform shall not be used to obtain information about other users for any purpose, including but not limited to sending unsolicited communications, advertising, or other promotional content. You shall not submit or post any personal information about yourself or others unless specifically requested by us. Additionally, you shall not copy, reproduce, or use UGC submitted by other users without their express permission. Reviews and other UGC are intended solely for use by genuine users, meaning users who have authentic experience with the topic or product, and not bots, businesses, government entities, or any entity not permitted to do business with businesses established in the United States.

2.2 Grant of Rights

By submitting UGC, you hereby grant us a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, and display such content in whole or in part, and to incorporate it into other works, in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed, for any purpose, including promoting or improving the Platform or sharing with our business partners. You agree that we are not responsible for, and do not endorse, the UGC submitted by users.

3. Moderation and Enforcement

3.1 Moderation Rights

We reserve the right, but are not obligated, to pre-screen, review, flag, filter, modify, refuse, or remove any or all UGC at our sole discretion for any reason, including but not limited to violation of these Terms or the General Terms. You agree not to bypass, circumvent, or otherwise interfere with any security or access control measures implemented by us to enforce these Terms, including but not limited to any mechanisms intended to prevent the submission of false, misleading, or inappropriate UGC. We have no obligation to store or maintain copies of any UGC and may remove UGC at any time without notice.

3.2 Termination and Liability

We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your access to the Platform, in whole or in part, at any time and for any reason, including but not limited to your violation of these Terms or the General Terms. We assume no responsibility or liability for any UGC posted by you or any third party, or for any loss or damage resulting from your reliance on information or other content posted on or through the Platform.

4. Legal Provisions

4.1 Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless us, our affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers from and against all claims, losses, liabilities, expenses, damages, and costs, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from or relating to your use of the Platform, your UGC, your violation of these Terms or the General Terms, or your violation of any rights of another.

4.2 Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

These Terms and any dispute arising out of or related to these Terms, or your use of the Platform shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States and the State of California, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. In the event of any dispute, claim, or controversy arising out of or relating to these Terms or your use of the Platform, the parties agree to first attempt to resolve the dispute informally through good faith negotiations. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute through informal negotiations, the dispute shall be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association.

4.3 Severability

If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. The invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision will be deemed modified so that it is valid, legal, and enforceable to the maximum extent permitted by law.

5. Third-Party Analysis and Moderation

You acknowledge and agree that we may submit your UGC to third-party services for analysis and moderation. These third parties have agreed not to share your data unless strictly necessary. These third parties may assist in ensuring compliance with these Terms, detecting inappropriate content, and maintaining the integrity of the Platform. We reserve the right to take action based on the findings and recommendations of these third-party services, including modifying, deleting, or redacting your UGC as deemed necessary.

By submitting reviews, ratings, or other UGC on or through our Platform, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Reviews, Ratings, and User Content Terms and the General Terms. We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time, in our sole discretion, without prior notice. Your continued use of the Platform after any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the modified Terms.

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