
Announcing the Androidacy Modules Repository

Androidacy is very pleased to announce the Androidacy Modules repository, the slick, user friendly, in-house alternative and future replacement for the old Magisk Modules Repository! The Androidacy Modules Repository is your one-stop shop for all the old modules you know from the previous repository, and new ones too.

Replacing the old modules repository – what?

Let’s back up a little bit. In a previous post, we covered this (you can find it on our blog), but we’ll recap: basically, for a scary couple months it looked as if Magisk could be very well dead, as John Wu (the creator of Magisk) had been hired by Google, and working on Magisk, with all of it’s SafetyNet bypassing and Hide, seemed to run contrary to that.

The good news is he was able to figure out a middle ground both his new bosses and the community could stomach – but the bad news is Hide had to be ditched. He also announced Zgyisk, a new implementation for Magisk that allows many exciting possibilities, and the deprecation and removal of the Modules Repository in a future Magisk release. We’ve already seen this happening in the master branch of Magisk, so it’s definitely going to come true.

We have not yet crafted our answer to Hide being removed but we are very pleased to announce after weeks of hard work, the Androidacy Modules Repository is out in public beta, as our answer to the old repository being deprecated.

So…. what is the Modules Repository?

The new Androidacy Modules Repository is a place for you to find all the modules you could ever need. Find, discover, and search for all your old favorites. We currently have feature parity with the old Repository found directly in Magisk Manager, but plan to add new and exciting things – such as module installation directly from your computer, without having to copy any zips to your device! All of this, in an easy to use web based interface.

The user experience

On first load, you’ll be greeted with a small intro and a loading indicator. Be patient for it to load the first time – there’s a lot of things going on in the background to facilitate API communication. Future loads should be faster.

Once it loads up, you’ll see a list of modules – all with a brief description, author info, and current version. There’s also a live search at the top, so you can search by name or codename. In a future release we plan to add author based search – stay tuned!

Once you’ve found the module you like, you can click the Info button to get a more detailed description, or the Download button to be taken to a page with all the versions of the module we have. Please keep in mind we have no versions from before the internal release of the Repository – so you may not see all of the old versions.

For Module Developers

If you don’t develop modules, feel free to skip this part!

If you already have a repository in the old Magisk-Modules-Repo GitHub organization, nothing needs done on your part. When you release a new version, update version and versionCode appropriately in your module.prop. Note this is a slight change from the old repository – just versionCode may not always pick up the changes on our end!

For developers that want to apply, we’ll be excited to have you! With our repository you’ll gain access to an exclusive audience of users, with a seal of approval that shows them your module is tested and safe to use! We’re hammering out a more streamlined application process and dedicated page, but for now, here’s some guidelines. SHOULD, MUST, and related terms are used as defined in RFC2119 [icon name=”up-right-from-square” prefix=”fas”]. The Magisk developer guide is here [icon name=”up-right-from-square” prefix=”fas”]

Your module SHOULD be fully open source
Note that closed source binaries CAN be included on a case-by-case basis
Your module MUST be located in a publicly accessible repository. You SHOULD host it on GitHub.
Your module MUST follow the format described in the Magisk developer guide
Your module MUST have a that describes your module in greater detail and provides instructions for getting support.
Your module MUST have a clean commit history – you MUST retain authorship and MUST comply with third party licenses
Single font, emoji, or similar modules WILL NOT be accepted. Font Manager is the only permitted font module. We are, however, open to font requests from module authors for inclusion in Font Manager
Simple boot script modules MAY NOT be accepted, although this will be considered on a case-by-case basis
Your module SHOULD follow semantic versioning, and increment versionCode by exactly one on each update. version should be majorRelease.minorRelease.patch and versionCode should be a positive integer.
Your module MUST be unique. You cannot copy another module in the Repository
Your module MUST be your own work, or published with permission from the original author.
Your module MUST NOT act malicious or intentionally harmful in any way, such as making changes not specified in the README or module.prop, or access user information not explicitly stated.
Your module SHOULD NOT alter device configuration in such a way to render it unusable. All configuration changes MUST be removed on module uninstall.
Modules such as so-called “Kernel Tweakers” and generic “Optimizers” WILL NOT be accepted, except under very specific conditions as seen fit by Androidacy.
And last but not least, Androidacy CAN and WILL remove modules for any reason, at their sole discretion.

We’ll be releasing a more fleshed out version of the guidelines in the future, but if you think you qualify – hit us up on our contact page!

Give feedback

Remember – the Repository is still technically in beta. We hope there aren’t, but there may still be some bugs to be ironed out. You can hit us up on Telegram (@androidacy_discussions) to report any bugs you find and give feedback. We would also like feedback on if our users would like to see an Xposed and Riru module repository, perhaps alongside the existing Modules Repository.

Otherwise, enjoy! We hope to keep updating it and adding new features, so check back often!

You can also leave feedback in the comments below, but beware we don’t regularly check those!

Modules Repository
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