FoxMMM updates

Update Magisk Module Manager to 2.1.0

Update Magisk Module Manager 2.1.0

Smarter, faster, and foxier

We’re excited to announce the latest update Magisk Module Manager (FoxMMM), version 2.1.0! This update includes several important fixes, improvements, and new features that will make your experience with Magisk modules smoother and more enjoyable. So sit back, grab a snack, and get ready to update magisk module manager to the latest and greatest.

The Fixes You’ve Been Waiting For: Update Magisk Module Manager now

We’ve been listening to your feedback, and this update brings a bundle of fixes addressing some of the issues you’ve experienced:

  • No more crashes during update of Magisk module or installation! That pesky error during unzip? We’ve sent it packing.
  • We’ve tackled that race condition that could render the app unusable even after restarting it if it crashed while a WebView was open. Now you can browse in peace.
  • Theming issues? What theming issues? We’ve fixed those too.

Features and Improvements

Version 2.1.0 not only fixes bugs, but also brings a fresh batch of improvements and new features to help you install and update magisk module:

  • A smoother setup flow to get you started in no time.
  • Customize your experience with the new ability to ignore specific versions for modules, using the version code (not the version name). Currently, it only supports one version code at a time, but you can add a ^ to the beginning to ignore a certain version and newer or a $ at the end to ignore a certain version and older.
  • Modules with ignored updates will no longer show as updatable in the list. Less clutter, more focus.
  • Updated translations and dependencies for better international support.
  • The translation call to action will now only show once per version – because nobody likes a nagging app.
  • In-app subscription upgrade option will now only show a snack bar every seven days for non-premium users. Snack bars are great, but not when they’re in your face all the time.

Performance and Security Enhancements

We’ve also been hard at work to optimize the app for better performance and tighter security. You can rest easy knowing that we’ve got your back.

Known Issues

We’re always working to improve Fox’s Magisk Module Manager, but some issues might still pop up when trying to install, download, or update magisk module. Here’s what we’re aware of and will be addressing in future updates:

  • Installing and immediately uninstalling a module from the list might cause a crash in some cases.
  • Version excludes may not correctly parse and save ranges, resulting in only one version code being saved and ignored.
  • Users with many repos may experience an OOM crash if the app is open for an extended period of time.
  • A race condition may cause user data to not fully load. Impact is expected to be minimal, but undefined behavior might occur.

Ready to Update Magisk Module Manager?

Head over to to update magisk module manager to the latest version 2.1.0 and get your hands on these amazing improvements! Check out the in-depth list of changes at…v2.1.0.

With version 2.1.0, Fox’s Magisk Module Manager is smarter, faster, and more foxier than ever before. Happy updating!

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