
We’re testing some beta features

We’re excited to announce that we’re adding new features to our module repository, both for module authors and users. These include beta/stable releases, reviews, reports, and more!

Some features are only in limited testing though. For those of you who like to live on the edge, we’re excited to announce that you’ll get access to those features sooner than the public.

This is also a good time to inform you our tiers have changed. Benefits are as follows:

  • $3+: ad-free
  • $5+: ad-free, fast downloads
  • $10+: ad-free, fast downloads, early access
  • $25+: ad-free, fast downloads, early access, dedicated support

Be sure to update your tier accordingly, and invite other users to our Patreon! In today’s ever-changing landscape, our Patrons are more important than ever to our survival and keeping our infrastructure running and trained meerkats, er, sysadmins working.

Until next time!

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